

  The fifth issue of Medusa AGAINST STALINISM by Farid Saberi Chapter 1 Introduction: granted but false assumptions Chapter    2 Historiography of the emergence of Stalinism  Chapter    3 Tragedy and comedy of Stalinism in Iran Chapter    4 Flirting with Dialectics: a critique of Idealist modelling of social ontology Chapter    5 Cracks in Neoliberal order Click here to download

Forth issue of medusa Magazine

  forth issue of Medusa 1-  Inauguration of a new era in Iran's capitalism: Formation of a new model of capital accumulation by Farid Saberi Abstract: I have argued that Iran's capitalism has a monopolistic structure and one should analyze its function accordingly. In this context, I have argued that the historical realities like "chronic stagflation", "falling rate of profit", "economic and political dismantling of the middle class" and "new emerging way of worker's struggle" are all signs of the beginning of a new era in the development of Iran's capitalism and formation of a new model of capital accumulation. The concept of the "model of capital accumulation"  inspired by Karl Marx's methodology in Capital is introduced here to grasp the net of political and ideological relation among different classes, which reproduce and maintain the distribution of agential and institutional power among social classes. In the s...

Third issue of medusa

Third issue of medusa magazine march 2020 this issue has been  didcated to the loving  memory of Dr.  Faryborz Raiesdana   university of Tehran chief editor: farid saberi share comments and criticisms with us via click on each article to download  it contents of Third issue: 1 Leading article: for whom the bell toll? by faridsaberi 2 Imperialism: on conflicts between IRAN and USA by farid saberi 3 Corona virus and Iran's capitalism by farid saberi 4 Neoliberalism takes revenge in Bolivia by Alex Callinicos translated into Persian  by Ehasan Pourkherie 5 Radical neo- Aristotelianism considerations on contemperory relvance for marxist theory by Farid Saberi 6 Marxist Aristotelianism and aristotelian marxism by professor Ruth groff  translated into persian by Farid Saberi 7 On 8th of March by Mhammod Sarajpour 9 No to war with iran! No to imperialist aggressio n! By Ben Curry translated into persian by Mhammod Sarajpour 10 Ou...

second issue of medusa magazine

second issue of medusa magazine may 2019   university of Tehran chief editor: farid saberi contents of second issue: 1- leading article: methodological debates 2-Drive to resistance or to illusion:  Marxian materialism against linguistic idealism by farid saberi 3- making sense of imperialism by Alex Callinicos translation by farid saberi and sina shibani 4- anti-existentialist approach of young Lukáce in  "soul and form"(1910) by farid saberi 5- poem by Payam kushki click here to download the finial version ................................................................................................................... شماره دوم نشریه مدوسا نشریه دانشجویی دانشگاه تهران سردبیر و مدیر مسئول فرید صابری فهرست مطالب: 1 سرمقاله: مجادله روششناختی 2 رانۀ توهم یا رانه مقاومت: دربارۀ چپگرایی ایدئالیستی  3 معنادار ساختن امپریالیسم آلکس کالینکوس ترجمه سینا شیبانی و فرید صابری 4 آنتی اگزیستانسیالیسم لوکاچ جوان 5 شعر: فرزند ناخلف این کهن بوم و بر پیام کوشکی  دانلود ن...

first issue of medusa magazine

first issue of medusa magazine first year. first issue February 2019 University of Tehran chief editor: Farid Saberi share your comments and criticisms with us via  MEDUSAMAG1397@GMAIL.COM :contents of this issue 1 Riefication and contemperory situation of phillosophy/ editorial article by Farid saberi 2  "concept of essence" by HERBERT MARCUSE. trans. from english by Farid saberi 3  on intelectual disappointment: Lukace and Adorno by Farid saberi 4 poem: nothing really is on motion by Alireza Beraham click for dwonload ............................................................................................................................ شماره اول نشریه مدوسا سال اول، شماره اول اسفندماه 1397 از خوانندگان نشریه صمیمانه تقاضا داریم که نظرات و انتقادات خود را از طریق ایمیل ( با ما در میان بگذارند. در این شماره خواهید خواند: نگاه مدوسایی به فلسفه مفهوم ذات هربرت مارکوزه، ترجمه فرید صابری درباب نومیدی روشنفکران هیچ چیزی در ...